Demographic Options for Gender and Sexuality

Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Pronouns, and Legal Sex

When collecting information about gender identity and sexual orientation, there are many considerations to ensure an inclusive environment. The “Best Practices” section of this document provides recommended formats for collecting this information.

University databases, such as MyRed and Firefly, have some technical limitations which prevent them from conforming with the recommended practice, such as the inability for users to select all that apply or to enter a term that best fits the user’s identity.

Read more about the University of Nebraska's policy regarding chosen name and gender identity in Executive Memorandum No. 40.

Gender Identity

Best Practice

Gender Identity (choose all that apply)

  • Agender
  • Cisgender
  • Man
  • Woman
  • Gender not listed
  • Genderqueer
  • Nonbinary/Gender Diverse
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Transgender
  • Another Identity (please specify):

In Use at UNL

Gender Identity (choose the option that best reflects your identity)

  • Agender
  • Cisgender Man
  • Cisgender Woman
  • Gender not listed
  • Genderqueer
  • Nonbinary
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Transgender man
  • Transgender woman

Legal Sex

Best Practice

Legal Sex1 (check one)

  • F - Female
  • M - Male
  • X – Nonbinary and/or Intersex

1 Legal sex may differ from sex assigned at birth as assigned sex can be legally changed in many places. Intersex may also be assigned to babies who present with reproductive anatomy or genitalia of more than one sex in many places, as cities, states and countries recognize the diversiry of gender and sexuality beyond the binary.

In Use at UNL

  • F - Female
  • M - Male
  • X – Nonbinary and/or Intersex


Best Practice

Pronouns (select all that apply)

  • Ask me my pronouns
  • He, him, his
  • No Pronouns, use my name
  • Prefer not to answer
  • She, her, hers
  • They, them, theirs
  • Ze, zir, zirs
  • Ze, hir, hirs
  • Any/all
  • Pronouns not listed (please specify):

In Use at UNL

  • Ask me my pronouns
  • He, him, his
  • He, they
  • No Pronouns, use my name
  • Prefer not to answer
  • She, her, hers
  • She, they
  • They, them, theirs
  • Ze, zir, zirs
  • Ze, hir, hirs

Sexual Orientation

  • Asexual
  • Bisexual
  • Gay
  • Heterosexual (straight)
  • Lesbian
  • Pansexual
  • Queer
  • Questioning
  • Another orientation not listed (please specify)
  • Prefer not to specify


  • Dr.
  • Ms.
  • Mrs.
  • Miss
  • Mx
  • Mr.
  • Rev.
  • I don’t use an honorific
  • Prefer not to respond