About Us

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  1. Avatar for JD McCown
    Assistant Director for Engagement, Resources, & Services
  1. Avatar for Domonique Cudjo
    Assistant Director for Engagement & Health Promotion

Mission Statement

The Gender and Sexuality Center works to provide intersectional programming, education, resources, and services to meet the needs of UNL students to be academically successful, develop their identities, and engage with the community.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to have a campus that recognizes intersectional understandings of gender and sexuality, by engaging with campus and local community on issues related to gender, gender equity, sexuality and social justice.

Values Statement

We recognize the intersections of gender and sexuality with race, ethnicity, class, ability, age, culture, nationality, immigration status and all social systems. We work to build and bridge communities that welcome and affirm people to be their whole selves, honoring their multiple identities and life experiences. We work to change systems that marginalize individuals and communities based on social identities. We are committed to supporting student success, building community, and developing leaders.


The Gender and Sexuality Center, formerly the LGBTQA+ Center and Women's Center, evolved out of student activism that can be traced back to student groups in 1970. The LGBTQA+ Center was created through advocacy from the Gay Action Group, a student organization that evolved into SprectrumUNL, the primary social LGBTQA+ student organization on campus that exists to this day. In 2007, a full-time staff member was hired in Student Involvement for GLBTA Programs and Services and the center opened on the third floor of the Nebraska Union. The Women's Center was created through the Women's Action Group with the first space opening in 1971. The history of the Women’s Center is also entwined with the development of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program at UNL. The Women’s Center was originally located on the first floor of the Nebraska Union and became a part of the institution in 1978. It moved to third floor, and is located in 340 NU.

In 2018, the LGBTQA+ Center and Women’s Center became free-standing centers and in 2019 the two came under the guidance of the Student Life and Leadership focus of Student Affairs. In 2023, the two centers merged to create the Gender and Sexuality Center. The center has contributed to the campus and benefited from engagement with students, faculty, staff, alum and community members. We look forward to continuing to move forward together.

There is so much more to the story, which we are more than happy to share if you are interested! If you have a story to contribute, send a message to unlgsc@unl.edu.

View the History of LGBT at UNL on the website of the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual Identities.